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About Us

The RCCD Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1975 to raise and manage private donations that benefit RCCD and its colleges, students, and programs. We accomplish this by building partnerships with alumni, friends, and the business community to explore philanthropic opportunities and inspire giving.

The Foundation is professionally managed by a staff who are experts in the field of philanthropy and is overseen by a committed volunteer Board of Directors.


The RCCD Foundation raises and manages private donations to support the students, programs, and faculty of the RCCD Colleges - Moreno Valley College, Norco College, and Riverside City College.


The RCCD Foundation contributes to the economic and social mobility of our region by developing resources that remove financial barri​ers and provide universal access to education.​ 

​​Our Staff

jeffry kaatz


Jeffry Kaatz​​
Executive Director, RCCD Foundation

phone icon(951) 222-8627
email iconjeffry.kaatz@rccd.edu
Wendy Johnson

Wendy Johnson
Assistant Director, RCCD Foundation

phone icon  (951) 222-8282
email icon  wendy.johnson@rccd.edu
Shannon Rowe

hannon Rowe
​Administrative Assistant

phone icon(951) 222-8626
email icon. shannon.rowe@rccd.edu

Marie Thermidor

Development Officer​​

phone icon(951) 222-8958
email iconmarie.thermidor@rccd.edu
Rizza Gutherie

Rizza Guthrie

Administrative Technician

phone icon(951) 222-8629
email iconrizza.guthrie@rccd.edu

Vanessa Franco

Vanessa Franco

Community Relations Specialist

phone icon(951) 222-8628
email iconvanessa.franco@rccd.edu